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Featured Friday

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from vacation. And when I say “kinda” home, I mean we’re physically in RICHMOND…. but we’re still not working. Today is a stay-cation day. We’re getting “life” stuff done around the house. Ya know, laundry, vacuuming, dishes, hang my NEW SAMPLE CANVAS OF BUD & JILL!! Woopwoop! So excited about that one! After the “life” stuff is accomplished, we’re headed to BUSCH GARDENS with one of our favorite couples! Perfect ending to our vacation!!!  So I will be sure to share vacation images next week! (You knew that was coming!) We had such a great time and not only did we get away,

we also got to see a lot of close friends and some family. It was wonderful. Speaking of “wonderful”, let me introduce you to my sweet friend Sarah Danaher of Ampersand Photography! She’s as sweet as can be and so passionate about her photography and business! I met Sarah a while back… like several years ago… and I’ve loved her ever since! She’s now located in DC and loving life! Sarah is such a lovely girl and I when I was thinking about the Featured Photog of September, I knew exactly who I wanted it to me! So enjoy getting to know this amazing girl and I know you’ll love her just as much as I do!!!! So here we go!:



1. Who are you? Where are you located? And if you could have a $1000 giftcard to any store, what store would that be?

My name is Sarah Danaher, I own Ampersand Photography, and I live on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Wait, what??!?!? That’s ME??? Sometimes I do a double-take on my life… like right now, when I just wrote that. I shot a wedding just outside DC the first weekend in August, and halfway through the day I found myself standing in the middle of a beautiful room in a daze and with my mouth open, my camera just hanging from my hands, absolutely overwhelmed by the kindness of God to give me such a sweet, beautiful life. I often have conversations with friends or new acquaintances about goals, and career directions, and “what we want to be when we grow up.” Me? I’m living it. I own a business. I get to spend every single weekend with the sweetest, happiest people alive, and celebrate with them on one of the happiest, prettiest, most life-defining day ever. I live in this adorable little rowhouse in a charming neighborhood less than a mile from the US Capitol (and if I had a $1,000 giftcard to any store, it would definitely be Anthropologie. I need more home accessories… and some cute clothes so I look as adorable as my house). I’m surrounded by people that I love, and get to spend my days caring for them. Truly, life is beautiful.



2. Tell us about your business! How did you get started? When did you fall in love with wedding photography?

Wow. That’s quite the question. It was very serendipitous, actually. I was out of highschool, working a part-time job, studying music theory, and totally confused about what to do with my life. Photography was kind of one of those “huh, I think I’d like to do that someday” things in the back of my mind, but I never seriously considered actually doing it, you know? But it was one of those things I just thought I might like to try. Not long after that I started what would be a three-year stint in full-time ministry. The desire to pursue photography consistently swelled inside of me, but whenever I had time to pursue it, I was broke, and whenever I had money I was working crazy hours and had no time. By the time those three years were up, the desire had grown into a passion, which grew into a purpose, and I was determined to pursue it. So I bought a camera and dove in headfirst. I spent a couple of years working at Starbucks and spending every penny on equipment and training, and then started doing freelance work. I fell into wedding photography by accident, just like my jump into photography. I was trying to pursue International freelance photojournalism for nonprofits, and I picked up a few weddings here and there to make ends meet. But what was initially a “doing this so I can eat” job turned into a “I’m not sure I can imagine my life without this” passion/pleasure. I feel in love with weddings. =)


3. Tell us about your all time favorite wedding that you have shot in the past! What did you  love about it?

How on earth to answer such a question!! I love all of my couples!! How to even think about choosing a favorite?!? I’ve had some amazing experiences. Hiking a mountain with a bride & groom in full wedding garb to get “the perfect shots” over a mountain lake in central New York. Listening (actually, sobbing) while the bride and groom answer the question, “What does the Gospel mean to you?” during their ceremony. Watching the entire bridal party break out into interpretive dance to Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi.” Photographing a wedding in New Hampshire for a missionary couple in Rome. My job is just… amazing. Because my clients are amazing!!


4. How did you decide on your branding?


Oh, goodness. I don’t think it’s so much how I decided on it as it was how I discovered it. It’s sooooooo much a process. Finding my photographic style, knowing myself, knowing what matters to me and what I value in others, and finding words for all of that— it’s been three years of a process, and I fully expect the process to continue throughout the entire life of my business. I don’t mean to sound metaphysical or anything, but apart from camera knowledge, knowing myself— and knowing myself well— has been one of the biggest advantages I’ve had in my business. I love people, coffee, old books, warm light, pumpkin spice candles, white tee shirts, summer skirts, vintage quilts, stories of any kind, antique keys, mismatched white china, big windows, English gardens, Moleskine journals, and front porch swings on rainy days. Verbal affirmation makes me blush and float, and nothing makes me feel more loved than when people spend intentional time with me. An experience is always twice as enjoyable when shared, and as much as I love travel, I love home routine and comforts even more. Family is very important to me, and my faith is the most important to me. And all of that goes into something as simple as font selection or website layout, or even the way that I edit my pictures.


5. During your first year of business, what is one thing that you would have done differently?


I can’t do just one!! There are soooooo many things I wish I would’ve done differently!! Like, I would’ve spent less time trying to do something other than business. That was a huge mistake that I made at the beginning, mostly because I just didn’t want to be self-employed. It scared me. So I wasted a lot of time trying to do something else. And I didn’t ask for help early enough. Or, I should say, I didn’t seek out help early enough. I had a ton of questions about business, but instead of seeking the answers, I just froze and did nothing. It’s been a lot of work to learn while running the business. Also, I paid way too much attention to other photographers. There’s definitely something to be said for the way that other (successful) people run their businesses, and I think it’s wise to look at people with experience and follow in some of their footsteps instead of learning by trial and error. But at the same time, just because something works for one person doesn’t mean that it works for everyone. I spend far too much time focused on what other photographers said to do, and not enough time on the best way for me to do things.


6. What is your favorite part of the wedding day?


Oh, goodness. I don’t know!! The portraits, probably. Especially of the bride & groom, and particularly if they do a First Look. But I love the time with the girls during their getting ready stages, too!! And the ceremonies always move me. I just love the whole day.


7. List two goals you have for 2011! They can be as big as shoot a wedding in Fiji! Or as small as reorganize my craft closet! Haha.


My big, overarching goal for this year is to become characterized as a faithful, steady person. That’s more of an area of character to grow in, but it’s my 2011 focus! Other goals: memorize the book of Ephesians (chapter 1 down, so far!), new blog design and updated website, unify my branding (make sure that business cards, invoice sheets, website, etc. all look like they belong together), and make it through my little sister’s wedding without a meltdown (we’re under three weeks now!!). =)


8. Who has been your biggest supporter and encourager for your business? Who is your cheerleader?


My parents are the biggest support and encouragement imaginable. They believe in me, they think I’m the best photographer in the world (and tell me on a regular basis), they envision success even when I can’t see it, and then make me make that vision a reality. They’re pretty much amazing. Also, I don’t think I could survive in business without Rebekah J. Murray. She’s one of my bestsies, she’s a fellow photographer (lives about an hour from me, so we’re… well, almost competition. almost.), and she just gets me better than most other people in the world. She’s the person I call on the way home from a 12-hour wedding, the person who really understands this crazy, beautiful industry, and the one who knows my weaknesses (and loves me) well enough to call me out on things when I need to change. She has played such a huge role in shaping my business. So grateful for her.


9. How would you describe your style?!


I’m a glorious blend of optimist and idealist. Which means I’m certifiably delusional! But I think that optimism allows  me to see beauty in everything, and I think my photography reflects that. My photographic style is warm and light-filled, detail-oriented, and feels like coming home. I looooooooove the story-telling aspect of photography, and do my best to tell really good stories with my pictures.


10. What inspires you?


  1. Other photographers’ work.
    • Jonas Peterson. His work inspires depth and thoughtfulness in my own work.
    • Rebekah J. Murray. I’ve already mentioned her, but with such a dearest kindred-spirit friend who is also a world-class photographer, she deserves a second shout-out.
    • Bobbi+Mike. I’ve followed their work since my earliest steps into photography (going on 4 years following their blog), and never once have I found myself bored of their work. Innovative and out-of-the-box, but still sweet & thoughtful.
    • José Villa. His work is like sipping a cup of Earl Grey tea with milk and sugar. Just… perfect.
  2. Believe it or not, there’s something about seeing beautifully-arranged rooms and apartment styling that inspires my photography. I think it gives me more visual spacial awareness. Or maybe I just like pretty things?
  3. Pinterst!!! I’m addicted to pretty things!!
  4. Anthropologie. Mostly the website, but also the arrangement & decoration of the stores, and their stylized shoots for catalogs.
  5. Antique stores, especially if they have old books, spoons, desks, chairs, cameras, typewriters, and all-white tea cups.
  6. Also: travel, sunrises, coffee, to-do lists, music, letterpressed paper goods, twine, Japanese masking tape, thank you cards, my Church, ink pens, and any time spent in heart-to-heart conversation with people I love. And words. I love words.

Be sure to connect with Sarah!



Thanks for reading!

— Katelyn

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