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What Should My Business Name Be

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We were driving out of Red Rock Canyon, just 30 minutes outside of Vegas when the topic of my business name came up. I’m pretty sure I cowered down in the seat a little bit because I just knew what was coming. Jasmine Star had just photographed our engagement session and I was trying to take it all in. I’ll admit it, I was star struck (pun intended). I tried to act cool and collected but inside I still couldn’t believe that we had just had our pictures done by THE Jstar! So as we drove out of the state park, Jasmine asked me a very simple but daunting question… “So what made you choose “Inspired Designs By: Katelyn James” for a business name??

There it was… the moment of truth. I had been battling this same question for a while. At the time, I was only 2 years into my business and I was struggling with the identity of it all. I started as “Inspired Designs” because I thought it was “catchy” and I wanted to INSPIRE people!! So naturally, I should name my business with that in mind, right? Wrong. Very very wrong.

The BEST advice Jasmine has ever given me was to change the name of my business when I was first getting started! She’s shared countless pieces of wisdom with me over the years but I am beyond grateful that she was blatantly honest in the car that day. How was “Inspired Designs” really going to set me apart? How could I make that my own? The truth is… was already taken! So I had to buy “” and no one could ever find me online! It was a small nightmare trying to connect with people.

Are all non-name photography brands a poor decision? No. Of course not! Three Nails Photography anyone?! That’s an incredibly well known business and Hunter doesn’t use his name in his branding. I think Hunter is the exception. There are a few businesses that are the exception to this rule… but the reality is, there are only a few exceptions in anything! I’m being bold here but I think it’s safe to say that if you’re struggling with online identity and you’re not seeing organic blog traffic and online connection…. you may not be the exception to this specific rule. This isn’t a bad thing! It’s actually a GOOD thing because I have found that having a business based off of who I am is MUCH easier to manage and market when my NAME is a part of it!

Can you imagine following my work and my life and never really hearing my name? It would be quite odd. The name “Katelyn James” has value because 5 years ago, Jasmine Star told me that “Inspired Designs” would never become what “Katelyn James” could become and she was so right. There is POWER in our names.

Now, I hear all of you out there saying “Well, I don’t have a good business-y name to use”.  I’m going out on another limb here but I bet you could find a way to make it work! My friend Jill’s business is Jillian Michelle Photography! Why? Because it’s more feminine than Jill Powers and Michelle is her middle name! Perfect! The point is, her brand is still pointing her audience to HER with a name like that. Inspired Designs never pointed people towards me. It actually confused people more than it captured them and that’s a tell tale sign that something needs to change!! So if you’re on the fence about your business name, choose a name that is as close to what you go by as possible! Trust me, your life and your marketing will be SO much easier!!

I’m so thankful for Jasmine’s wisdom and that it didn’t take me 6 years to realize that “Katelyn James” was a good name for a business!!! Take a look at your business and make sure you’re CAPTURING your audience and not CONFUSING them. I hope this was helpful and since we are celebrating our anniversary and this post has something to do with our engagement pictures… how about I share a few of my favorites! :) Gosh, these were taken 5 YEARS AGO!! We’re old!

 Jasmine Star took all of these beautiful engagement pictures of us all the way back in March 2010!! If you have a free minute, check out my guest blog post on HER BLOG!! Click HERE!!

What's in a Name? How to grow your online identity and blog traffic with your business name by Katelyn James Photography

Thanks for reading!

— Katelyn

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