learn how to lead sessions with clarity, connection and control

Conquer Pre-shoot Anxiety and Pose with Confidence

Tuesday, March 18th at 8pm ET

Wednesday, March 19th at 2pm ET

learn how to lead sessions with clarity, connection and control

Conquer Pre-shoot Anxiety and Pose with Confidence

Tuesday, March 18th at 8pm ET

Wednesday, March 19th at 2pm ET


learn how to lead sessions with clarity, connection and control

Conquer Pre-shoot Anxiety and Pose with Confidence

Tuesday, March 18th at 8pm ET

Wednesday, March 19th at 2pm ET



frustration to flow



you need!

Save my seat!


frustration to flow



you need!

Save my seat!


12 FREE Shooting Guides
less than $1 per episode!


We’re having a BABY!!!

2016-2017 The Most Exciting Year Yet!

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By now you’ve probably seen the news! We’re having a BABY!!! I have to admit that I’m feeling a little relieved that we don’t have the GIANT secret anymore!! We have known since JUNE 8th that we were pregnant and we’ve been keeping it a secret ever since! We prayed for this and we tried since the beginning of 2016. We knew that God had been preparing us for this season for a while now and so we trusted that His timing would be perfect. That is easier to say than it is to do.

Michael and I found out that our best friends Bud and Jill and my sister and her husband were expecting and we were so excited!!! We had all been kind of talking about how we were getting closer to this next season of life and then all of a sudden BAM! It was happening!!! It was in those few months after finding out about their pregnancies that Michael and I learned to trust God in a whole new way. When I found out that I was pregnant two months later, I honestly couldn’t believe it. I was in shock. I always wanted to do a big SURPRISE to tell Michael but after several months of trying, I decided to just randomly take a pregnancy test when we were both home one morning and as soon as it read positive, I yelled from the bathroom “Uh Michael!! This thing says I’m pregnant! That can’t be right!!!”.

He agreed with me! We didn’t believe it! So I took another…. and it was immediately positive!! I remember my hands were shaky and we didn’t even know what to say. I was too shocked to even cry (that came later!). We called Buddy and Jill right then and there because they had JUST left our house 30mins prior. We called them and we didn’t even know what to say. I had a REALLY shaky video of the call and once they answered, Michael and I just sat in silence and they guessed what was happening!! Queue the tears!!!

We had an engagement session that night in DC and so we made plans to tell our families on the way up and on the way back through. We were so blessed to be able to tell our entire immediate families in person all on the same day!!! Some of you may remember that we lost a dear friend back in June and we actually found out about the baby the day before his funeral. In some ways, it seemed like God was giving our family a new sense of hope during such a hard week. I start crying every time I think about it. We know that this is such a gift that we don’t deserve. We also know that this little person was God’s idea to begin with and that He has been planning his/her life since before time began. Every time we see an ultrasound we’re just amazed at how miraculous new life is! My baby app tells me every week that organs are forming, growing and developing and even from week FIVE, this little girl/guy had a heartbeat! It was the size of an APPLE SEED and it had a HEARTBEAT! It’s just all so amazing!!

What’s also amazing is that I get to be pregnant with my little sister. It’s so perfect because she’s not a worrier. I’m the worrier of the two of us! So she’s experiencing everything 8 weeks ahead of me and can reassure me that certain things are normal and that nothing is wrong. We just spent a week together at the lake and my favorite memory was when we were sleeping in the same bed one night and after staying up talking until 2 am, we decided we needed to go to bed! So we rolled over and tried to fall asleep for about 10 mins and then I realized that I stayed up way too late and I felt kinda sick and needed to eat something before I started gagging!! So I said “Oh no Emy! I need food!” and she responded with “Well lucky for you I brought the whole bag of animal crackers to bed with me!”!! She rolled over with our snack and we laughed about how embarrassing it would be if someone walked in and saw the two of us pregnant ladies munching on animal crackers at 2 O’clock in the morning!!! It’s such a gift to be pregnant together. We always hoped for this but we knew that is wasn’t likely that it would happen. I get teary just thinking about how gracious God has been in the timing of it all.

Speaking of the timing of it all, I’m due on VALENTINES DAY!! My sister Emy is due on CHRISTMAS DAY!! What’s even crazier to think about is that there will be TWO babies at my brother’s wedding in MAY!!! Needless to say BOTH sets of our parents are thrilled and we’re about to experience one of the most exciting seasons of our lives!!! We DO plan on finding out the GENDER in a couple of months and as of today, I’m 14 weeks! Everything looks normal and we’re praying everyday for a healthy baby and healthy pregnancy. I have had moments of feeling nauseous but I’ve never actually gotten sick. Fingers crossed that I’m past that point but who knows! I’ve been so blessed that I have made it through the majority of our HOTTEST weddings this summer without any issues!! We should be in our new house two months before the baby and our builders have been GREAT about understanding that we have a hard deadline now!! We’re aiming for a mid-November move-in!!!

We are so thankful for this season. There is so much happening and so much to learn along the way. We’re SO thankful for all of the sweet comments, texts and calls. You all are so good to us. Thank you for being so excited for us and this new adventure!!!! :):)

we-re expecting family pics_2684 we-re expecting family pics_2685 we-re expecting family pics_2683

View Our Announcement Video Here!

Thanks for reading!

— Katelyn

Free Posing Class for Photographers The KJ Way

Ever felt that wave of anxiety before a photoshoot—the kind that makes your mind race with thoughts like What if I freeze? What if I run out of ideas? What if my clients feel awkward?


When it comes to wedding photography, the right lens can make all the difference. But let’s be honest—gear can get expensive. So when Canon introduced the RF 85mm f/2.0—a lens with portrait, macro, and image stabilization capabilities for just $500—I knew I had to put it to the test.


Canon RF 85mm f/2.0 vs. L Series Lenses Can a $500 lens really compare to two $3,500 lenses combined?


15 Poses in 5 Minutes Freebie A simple guide to instantly upgrade your posing game

Have you ever started a session, camera in hand, and suddenly felt stuck? Your couple is standing there, looking at you, waiting for direction… and your mind goes blank.

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54 | How to Talk with Your Spouse About Your Vision with Julia Woods

Have you ever tried to sit down with your spouse to talk about dreams, goals, and vision—only for it to turn into frustration or misalignment? If so, you’re not alone. Vision casting in marriage is hard because it brings up deeper fears, beliefs, and unspoken dynamics that many couples don’t even realize are at play.

The Doing Life Differently Podcast

Success—it’s a word we hear all the time. But what does it really mean? Is it about financial security? Status? Owning a dream home or taking extravagant vacations?


53 | How We’re Redefining Success for Our Family Teaching our kids a different way

The Doing Life Differently Podcast

52 | Viewing Your Business as a Ministry Opportunity and not just a business!

When you think about your business, do you see it as simply a job—or something more? 

The Doing Life Differently Podcast


"Best money I have EVER spent on education! ... and I've spent a lot!”


"I love all the lessons I'm learning from KJ All Access! Thanks Katelyn!”

- Shannon Drummond, ALL-ACCESS MEMBER

"I find very few educational resources worth it ... this one is!”

- Kate gansneder, ALL-ACCESS MEMBER

"Recently signed up for KJ All Access and it's EVERYTHING!”

- Kassidy Mowery, ALL-ACCESS MEMBER

"Being able to see behind-the-scenes of Katelyn interacting with her clients has been SO impactful!”

- Angie mcpherson, ALL-ACCESS MEMBER

"Recently signed up for KJ All Access and it's EVERYTHING!”

- Kassidy Mowery, ALL-ACCESS MEMBER

"SO worth it! It's amazing the amount of knowledge you get out of them!”

- Brittany Lowe, ALl ACCESS MEMBER

"I learned just as much in one All Access as I did in a whole course! SO GOOD!"

- Joanna Krueger, ALL-ACCESS MEMBER
10 Steps to Starting Your Photography Business
Helping a friend survive a season of Infant Loss
How to photograph a first look in Harsh Light
A Lake Como Destination Wedding - Greg and Kate
A Letter to the Go-Getters fearful of Motherhood

The KJ blog

The KJ Blog is where you get to know me, where you meet our KJ Couples and see their beautiful wedding days, where I have been building an archive of education for over a decade and where I let you see a peek into our life, our home, and hear about our purpose! 
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Join 100,000+ others and learn, grow and get connected via our Youtube Channel! This is where I'm constantly sharing new content, talking all things gear, business, tips, tricks and letting you into the behind-the-scenes of our everyday life! 

The KJ Learning roadmap

If you're a visual learner, this real-life, behind the scenes training was created just for you!

Create clients who can't help but rave about how you made them feel in front of your camera!

A 4-step educational preset process that will make Lightroom seem like a friend instead of a constant frustation.

The only thing you'll need as a beginner to kick start your photography journey.

The most popular, most transformational KJ Course of them all! Learn how to find great light in any location no matter how challenging!

The course that teaches photographers how to master Lightroom, find their unique style and trasnform their workflow!

Not only can artificial intelligence edit your images in minutes, it can now edit your work exactly the way KJ would if I was editing it myself!

Create polished, scroll-stopping images!  If you’re tired of “normal” and are ready to access the “Next Level”, this course was designed for you! 

"I have invested in all of KJ’s education!

The way she teaches makes so much sense and I’m so grateful for her! My business will be forever changed!"

- Renee Nicolo

"KJ education has been life-changing

 It has elevated my work so I could quit my day job and work from home with our baby boy!"

- joanna k.


and none compare to what I get from KJ!"