I don’t know everything about the New PASS, but I do know that it’s getting SO close to being released to everyone! And I know some features about PASS that are going to knock your socks off!! This year I made a list of the things that went really WELL in 2012. I also made a list of things the didn’t go so well in 2012 and that need to be fixed. A lot of the items on the “need to be fixed” list are being fixed with the new PASS! Yeaa! I wanted an easier way for my clients to download their images, I didn’t want to upload a separate Smugmug gallery for prints and I wanted to love the actual PASS gallery interface. The PASS team delivered!!
The new PASS is business changing! People are excited about it and that was really obvious last Wednesday when 50 passports went on sale and they sold out in 8 minutes. Actually, over 150 sold out on accident because everyone was rushing to get theirs! What?! Craziness! The most insane part is that those that bought a passport were announcing it like they just won the LOTTERY!! The reason they are SO excited is because PASS adds so much value to your business and now they have it for LIFE! Many have asked about the Passport and PASS in general and so let me explain.
PASS is the easiest, most professional and most efficient way to share images with your clients. And we’re not just talking about sharing a gallery, we’re talking about sharing the digital files. No need for packaging…. you know how much time and $$$ that saves?! Think about it this way, if you’re already giving digital files to your clients, don’t send them on a DVD that will sit in a shoebox under their bed, share them in a way that will get people talking about YOU! Share them in a way that makes it EASY for them to share your images.
Even though PASS was created by the creators of Showit, you do not need to be a Showit user to use PASS. It’s an independent file sharing solution that takes digital sharing to a new level! Now, if you ARE a showit user and you are interested in PASS, you should take advantage of using PASS within a plus site! You can read more about how I do that HERE! (But keep in mind, that is post was using the OLD PASS! It’s 10x prettier now!)
A PASS event is $29. If you were lucky enough to buy a passport, you have PASS for life! These offers only come every now and then and they are heavily sought after because who wouldn’t want to pay a one time fee for a LIFETIME of PASS?! Well, the AWESOME thing about the NEW PASS is that PASS will be FREE!! You think I’m lying but it’s true! ANYONE can use PASS and upload an event for 30 days at NO COST. If you want to extend your event for a full year, it would be $29 at the end of the 30 days. Why is this huge?! It’s huge because now PASS is available to anyone!! Portrait photographers, wedding photographer who are just starting out, new photographers that are just getting into the industry… EVERYONE can try PASS! And why wouldn’t they?! What do they have to lose? Nothing, absolutely nothing! So at LEAST give it a shot….. because for 30 days, any event is FREE. That’s amazing. Here are the breakdown of the features:
The other amazing news is that the new PASS galleries are insanely gorgeous and user friendly! Take a look!! Here’s a sample post with some images to give you an idea of how you can navigate through a wedding: http://katelyn.pass.us/lewrywedding
Other great features include a printing option that will be embedded into PASS and will be offered soon. ALSO, year long events can be downloaded in full with the click of a button… no software needed. Amazing right?! We shot a wedding last weekend and I used the new PASS to send the full wedding gallery to the bride and before I could contact the bride to make sure she understand how to use it, she had already downloaded all of her images and was sharing her gallery with her friends and family! 7,000 images viewed in 10 hours! Wanna know how I know that? Because PASS shows me how my images are being shared! Take a look!
Is that awesome or is it AWESOME?! It’s double awesome. And want to see something else that I LOVE… I love how sleek and simple the backend of PASS is. The part of PASS that us photographers use is JUST as simple as the part our client’s will use!! ALSO, the search bar is sweet and SUPER fast!
As of today, PASS is invitation only. Showiteers (people that use Showit) have an invitation or two to give out to someone. I unfortunately do not have any invitations left BUT there will be more coming soon! I’m so excited for the OFFICIAL LAUNCH of PASS!! It’s coming soon! And it’s coming for everyone! Here are some videos that will further explain why I and so many others are PUMPED about the NEW PASS!!
PASS – A new way to share your photos from Showit on Vimeo.
Katelyn James loves PASS – A New Way to Share Your Photos from Showit on Vimeo.
I feel like I just wrote last week’s update, but somehow, another Friday is here. Time flies when life is full… and right now? Life is really full.
Every Friday, I’m sharing “Where I Am”—personally, spiritually, and professionally—because I believe in sharing the journey while I’m in it, not just when I have all the answers tied up in a neat little bow.
Sixteen years ago, I had no budget for marketing. Zero. None at all!
So I did the only thing I could think of—I started sharing my life.
Ever felt that wave of anxiety before a photoshoot—the kind that makes your mind race with thoughts like What if I freeze? What if I run out of ideas? What if my clients feel awkward?
When it comes to wedding photography, the right lens can make all the difference. But let’s be honest—gear can get expensive. So when Canon introduced the RF 85mm f/2.0—a lens with portrait, macro, and image stabilization capabilities for just $500—I knew I had to put it to the test.
Have you ever started a session, camera in hand, and suddenly felt stuck? Your couple is standing there, looking at you, waiting for direction… and your mind goes blank.
Have you ever tried to sit down with your spouse to talk about dreams, goals, and vision—only for it to turn into frustration or misalignment? If so, you’re not alone. Vision casting in marriage is hard because it brings up deeper fears, beliefs, and unspoken dynamics that many couples don’t even realize are at play.