Half a year…. can you believe it? It feels like we were just bringing Baby Graham through the front door and Evy was trying to hold him constantly. We spent 6 months telling her no and now, she’s finally at a place where she can be left with him on the couch beside her and we’re not completely terrified of what she’ll try to do. He’s a big boy and she’s a strong girl. I feel like this month has given us glimpses into their relationship that will exist in the future. She runs up to him and he squeals. It’s my favorite new part of his personality!
Six months may be my favorite phase during the first year. I know I’ll probably say that about 8 months and 9 months too but there is just something so special about a baby who is 6 months old. I feel like I’m watching my little boy turn into a little person with personality and spunk and a voice! The amount of change that has happened from month five to month 6 is just unbelievable. My “new” baby seems to have disappeared and I have a sturdy, vocal, real-food-eating little guy instead of a newborn. This month was insane for us. We launched a massive project in the business, we finished shooting our weddings for the year, we did all the “fall” things and also maintained life at church and with our family. We’re tired but our lives feel so full of joy.
Here are some six month memories that I want to remember:
So, in true mom-fashion, I feel like everything goes wrong as soon as it’s time for me to actually be in a picture! Am I right, mommas out there? We were attempting to take a “copy-paste” photo like Michael took with Evy when she was six months old but it ended quickly when Graham decided to spew his lunch everywhere!!
Look at that precious boy!
I can hear his giggle here!
Last swim of the year! So sad!
“Hey, what’s the big blue thing?! ”
Friends from the farm!!
Oh my goodness…..
The state fair was a good idea… until we waited for an hour and a half in line to get out of the parking lot! Evy had to pee on the side of road twice!
Living her BEST LIFE!
Yea…. WAY too young for Putt Putt! haha
We get this face a lot….
Prepare yourself… these next few are the best!!!
Harper! lol!
So thankful for these little people!
Once again…. how is his head so massive?
Costume day at Pre-school! …. yes we were getting dressed in the parking lot!
Marshall and Chase!
Halloween! We had a crew from VeggieTales! LarryBoy, Bob the Tomato, Junior Asparagus and Madame Blueberry!
This post is a little out of order but hey, at least it’s done! We went to see Aunt Sarah ride in her first Horseback Riding Competition and she won first place!
She was COVERED in dust and loved it!
Go Sarah go!
Oh Ev! haha She loves so hard!
Pumpkin Patch with our small group!
Love these people!
Ok…. out of ALL of our friends, no one said “Katelyn! Take the burp cloth out of your front pocket!!?”
Then we celebrated Daddy’s 30 years as Pastor at our home church! Corey and Emy spoke and I sang. Lots of tears… it was a good day!
Then we went to Mimi and Grandaddy’s and Graham discovered baby dolls…. much to Harper’s dismay.
She was mad.
Then she lost her pants.
We love this sweet boy with his big head!
“What do you mean I have to share?!”
Have you ever started a session, camera in hand, and suddenly felt stuck? Your couple is standing there, looking at you, waiting for direction… and your mind goes blank.
Have you ever tried to sit down with your spouse to talk about dreams, goals, and vision—only for it to turn into frustration or misalignment? If so, you’re not alone. Vision casting in marriage is hard because it brings up deeper fears, beliefs, and unspoken dynamics that many couples don’t even realize are at play.
Success—it’s a word we hear all the time. But what does it really mean? Is it about financial security? Status? Owning a dream home or taking extravagant vacations?
When you think about your business, do you see it as simply a job—or something more?
Today, I’m diving into an experience that was nothing like I anticipated: my digital detox in December. If you’ve ever considered taking a break from the noise of the online world, you might relate to my journey—the good, the surprising, and the, well, completely unplanned.
The wedding industry has faced unique challenges recently, with inflation affecting budgets and couples cutting costs. If you’re a wedding photographer feeling the pinch, don’t worry—2025 doesn’t have to be a slow year.