Well I’m not technically late with this blog post and that’s a first! We’ve been loving life with our sweet nine month old!! He’ll be ten months old soon and I’m just not ready for double digits. I have noticed that I am holding on to his little-ness so much more than I did with Evy. I can SEE it slipping away from me and I just want it to slow down. I remember something my Nanny told my momma when she was sad that we were all growing up so fast… Nanny said “Brenda, if they weren’t changing this fast, something would be wrong.”….. and that’s a good perspective when I get sad about losing my tiny baby.
He’s changing so fast because he’s so healthy and is the most amazing gift. I’m so grateful that he’s healthy and I never want to take that for granted. I’m allowed some tears over losing my tiny baby but remembering the gift of how healthy he is makes those tears just turn to thankfulness. Graham is thriving and changing each day. Each day we see him do something new and it honestly catches me off guard. I’ll see him clap or pull up on something or try to reach and take a step (still hasn’t officially taken a step) and I can’t believe he’s my little rainbow baby that I JUST HAD!!!
How has he been outside of me longer than he was ever inside of me!?
As I think over this month with him, I have a few things I want to remember as a parent! :
Grandaddy snuggles!
These Powers kids are huggers!
Erica is our lifesaver most weeks! SO thankful for her!!!!
Getting them all on the same couch was incredibly hard!
My poor boy had HFM!!
My poor baby! HFM is miserable!
These pictures of all four of them are miracles!!!
The babies look thrilled. lol.
Graham “Mom, really? You couldn’t have found me pants that FIT?!
I just can’t get enough of him! I hold him close when he nurses.
Graham! Bahahaha! Those eyes are impressive!
When it comes to wedding photography, the right lens can make all the difference. But let’s be honest—gear can get expensive. So when Canon introduced the RF 85mm f/2.0—a lens with portrait, macro, and image stabilization capabilities for just $500—I knew I had to put it to the test.
Have you ever started a session, camera in hand, and suddenly felt stuck? Your couple is standing there, looking at you, waiting for direction… and your mind goes blank.
Have you ever tried to sit down with your spouse to talk about dreams, goals, and vision—only for it to turn into frustration or misalignment? If so, you’re not alone. Vision casting in marriage is hard because it brings up deeper fears, beliefs, and unspoken dynamics that many couples don’t even realize are at play.
Success—it’s a word we hear all the time. But what does it really mean? Is it about financial security? Status? Owning a dream home or taking extravagant vacations?
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Today, I’m diving into an experience that was nothing like I anticipated: my digital detox in December. If you’ve ever considered taking a break from the noise of the online world, you might relate to my journey—the good, the surprising, and the, well, completely unplanned.