Graham’s fourth month made me realize all over again that it just gets better and better. We’re getting to know who this precious little guy is and we love him more and more. He’s so chill. From week 6 to 8 we worried about his fussiness because he just didn’t seem to ever be constantly happy but wow have the tables have turned. He’s such a little ball of HAPPY! He’s smiling at everyone and making them melt. He’s laughing and giggling. He’s content to just be left staring at the ceiling for a while.
He rarely cries going down for naps and with some work and help with Little Z Sleeps, he’s mostly back to sleeping through the night!! PRAISE! We just love him. He’s so much fun and I absolutely love this age. He feels less breakable and more sturdy! One thing that I really love about Baby Graham is that he doesn’t scream bloody murder about things! That was Evy’s specialty! Whether it was pouring water on her head in the bath or pulling a shirt over her head, it resulted in SHRIEKS! It was ear-piercing. That was our first sign that Evy was going to be our strong-willed child. Graham is totally different than her. He talks but it’s not intense grunts and shrieks. Overall he just seems more relaxed! I can’t wait to see how different they are. It really is such a beautiful and incredible thing to see two kids come from the same parents that are so different and special in their own way!!
Something else we have noticed is that our kids are STIFF. Like, they aren’t gushy, soft, flexible balls of baby squish… they are…. STIFF. I don’t know what other way to describe it! Maybe it’s their muscle tone (probably from their daddy!) or maybe it’s their height… I don’t know! It’s just something we’ve observed recently. It’s literally hard to get Graham to bend in half and sit sometimes! He’s so strong… it’s like he’s in a constant PLANK! haha
So when I think about this month of his life, what do I want to remember about both Graham and Evy? Here’s a list!:
Back when Baby Graham had a severe flat head and still had hair!
Sweet visit with the Balleh fam!
July 29th … the big day…potty training began!
His face!
I know Baby Graham, she only loves BIG!
Mimi and all of her naked grandbabies!
When photos go wrong…
I just can’t pick a favorite!
Evy’s face!!!
Harper! haha Our life is crazy!
Shower for Baby Poe!!!
A short-lived photoshoot!
They found princess crowns!
That old man hair!
Family dinner!
Beautiful girl.
Si-si love!
She looks like she’s SIX!
Do you look this cool using the bathroom?
Harper is a HAM!
The summer of popcicles!
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