Can you believe it? My baby really isn’t a baby anymore. She’s a beautiful, strong willed toddler that is amazing in so many ways. In some ways, I’m so sad that she’s not a baby….and in other ways, I’m excited to continue to see who she becomes because she surprises us every single day. Michael and I are constantly saying to each other “Did you hear that? Did you see what she just did?” …. We’re constantly amazed by her. She’s learning so much. She’s speaking new words and new phrases everyday. She memorizes songs and melodies. She wants to be a little momma and help take care of Baby Harper. She’s an amazing little girl who has stolen our hearts.
One of my favorite things about her are her expressions. She raises her eyebrows and gets really big, WIDE eyes and her eyes get really big when she’s excited to tell me something or is saying something that she thinks is really serious! She’s feisty, has her own opinions, can be tough to reason with and won’t eat chicken unless it’s in chicken salad or in the form of a Chick-fil-a nugget. Evy loves to sing her heart out… no matter where she is. She recently belted out “Jesus Loves Me” in Chickfila when she was with her Grammie and Paw and people clapped for her and told her it made their day. She’s just 33lbs of pure delight!! She’s 24 months old and wearing 3T and 4T clothes. She’s really tall for her age and while I have never had another 2 year old to compare her to, I have been told that she’s incredibly smart!! Her favorite thing to do at home is read her books, sing and play in “rice” in the basement with Mimi and Micah in the plastic pool. She’s thriving at Gymnastics and she loves going to the gym daycare with Dada…. even though if you ask her if she made new friends… she says “Yea… BOYS.” Oh my gosh. It’s already starting!
She’s not the best eater some days but whenever I get discouraged, I remember that my child will eat broccoli and chicken salad and so we aren’t failing completely in the food department! Her hair is getting thicker every day and her beautiful olive skin is something I’m envious of. Sometimes I look at her and think “How is she so beautiful?!” I feel so blessed to be her momma. I love seeing her bring so much joy into other people’s lives. It’s hard to explain how amazing that feels as a parent. It’s so obvious that our little miracle that God gave us wasn’t JUST given to us… she was a gift to the world. Every child is. She has such purpose in her life already and I’m so thankful for her.
She knows I’m pregnant. She’s excited that I’m pregnant….. but she’s still a little confused. She thinks the baby inside of momma’s belly is “Baby Harper”. She’s OBSESSED with Baby Harper and is constantly calling ANY baby “Baby Harper”. We have named our little guy and while Evy knows his name, she can’t properly pronounce it and she basically cusses each time she shouts his name. That’s a hint at what it is! Ha! We’ll work on that before April! Evy also thinks that I have THREE babies….. I’ll let you figure out what about the female anatomy would make her think that. ha!
Evy loves Daniel Tiger, Paw Patrol, her Bible, her “Mean Man” book… which is really about a Circus ship… long story…. she loves her “Little Hymns” book that used to be mine. She hasn’t really been attached to anything at bedtime until now. She HAS to have her baby and the baby has to be swaddled tightly. Mimi is the best swaddler around and so we let her wrap the baby up for Evy! This new baby doll obsession hasn’t caused an issue except recently we randomly looked at the monitor at like 11:30pm one night and Evy had gotten up and was rocking her baby. She didn’t make a sound… she just rocked her baby and then fell back asleep! It was the strangest thing!
I could go on and on about her. Everyday she’s saying something new and doing something hilarious. As hard as the tantrums are, I love this age. If I have one piece of advice for parents of little people… it’s to fight to view them as “little” even when they constantly seem so grown up and HUGE. I realized recently that if I live my life constantly thinking “She’s HUGE! She’s so grown up!”…. I’ll never feel like I enjoyed and cherished the years when she was truly still LITTLE. Two seems so old… but 16mos seemed old too…. and 8 months seemed so grown up as well. So I’m committing to realizing that my baby is still tiny. She may be speaking in sentences and giving us attitude, but when I think about how she compares to a kid in kindergarten, it makes me see her in a fresh way. She’s still a really little girl and I’m thankful that have so many fun months of being really “little” left! I mean, she’s still in diapers! She’s not THAT grown up yet!!
I hope you enjoy this post. It’s a collection of images from the last two months and from her birthday party. I’m also including a link to a video of her whole life. Yes…. you read that right! I started using the “1 Second a Day” App and I’m so thankful I did! It’s the only way I can feasibly keep up with compiling her best video moments. So I have video clips from almost every day of her like in this 30min clip!!!
Just a morning cooking with Dada!
She loves wearing clean underwear on her head!
My sweet girl!
I feel like this could be titled …. “Life of a toddler”… naked and making a mess!
Oh the nose… it’s a constant battle.
And I used to be worried that she wouldn’t have any personality. bahahaha
First haircuts!!!!!
Meeting Baby Harper! She was so excited she couldn’t contain herself!
Cereal became a new thing recently and she loves it!
Valentines day!
Aunt Emy made Evy’s cake but Paw helped with the final touches!
Isn’t that cake amazing?! I’m so impressed!!!!! Evy loved it!
This was a hit! I can’t wait for it to be a little warmer so they can ride more! I’m just glad their feet reach the pedals!!!
It’s made for off-road….. I still can’t believe we did this. But it was so much fun!
The day after Evy’s party with family we did a little Sip and See shower for friends to meet and celebrate baby Harper!
Two year old portraits were the hardest ones to date!
We’re going to try again later this week! ha!
They match!!!!! Happy Birthday my sweet girl! We love you so much!!!!
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