It feels like forever since I’ve blogged a family blog post like this! I am beyond proud of myself that I did monthly blog posts of Evy’s first year! I never planned on continuing that pattern past the one year mark simply because it was SO MUCH WORK but I did plan on sharing family photos every 3 months or so. Well, I got a little behind and it’s understandable given our life this year. 2018 was nothing like we thought it would be. We thought from January until now, we would be enjoying our final months as a family of three. Instead, we were trying to survive our very sad season with baby James. I still took photos with my “real camera” but I didn’t have the energy to edit them.
I remember pushing through the tired-ness and the exhaustion to snap a few pictures here and there of Evy during those hard months. I think I knew deep down that if I didn’t take any, it would make that season even harder on me in the long run. One of the things I enjoy most right now in this season is documenting our life. I work really hard to make sure that I’m enjoying my time with Evy but also capturing the parts that I want to remember forever. If I missed 4 months of portraits of her because of our hard season with James, it would have been understandable but I would have been sad about that…. and we’ve had enough sadness around here!!! So, I snapped photos here and there and my “to edit” folders started piling up. Thankfully, I recently got completely caught up and I have some favorites to show you from February to June!!!
Ps. If you’re wondering about how I organize personal family photos from Evy’s first year, you can read about that HERE!
For Evy’s monthly blog post I would share some memories that I didn’t want to forget. Oh my. I don’t really know how to go back and remember everything from the past four months!! To be honest, the past four months have seemed like a blur but I’m going to try!
Gosh there is so much to share. So much has changed and so much has happened to us the last four months. God has been faithful despite our pain and scrolling through these pictures is proof that you CAN live and thrive even in the midst of tragedy. I’m so thankful for my beautiful Evy Girl. She can’t take James’ place but she sure can make a sad day better with her silliness, big personality, open mouth kisses and big hugs. :) Enjoy seeing our life in pictures. To view images from our season with James and to read his story, click HERE.
Why did we get them both a car when they both are obsessed with the truck?!
Baby jail was great while it lasted! This indoor “fence” was enough to keep them confined until about May and then it was over when Micah became strong enough to MOVE it!
Great Aunt Susan came to visit!
Evy with her Grammie and Great Grandma and Great Aunts!
Her first guitar lesson!
This beautiful girl… I just love her so much!
Waiting for the summer!!!!
Mad little bunny!!
Those faces! She had just learned how to “wink”!!!
Learning how to clean and kick things. haha
They look thrilled!
oh my gosh… what a ham! This was the quick trip to the lake where she got her first busted lip!
Whoa baby….
That lunch box…. they both LOVE wearing it around their necks!
Cleaning with Mimi!
Taking portraits of her has become… interesting.
Their first bubble experience!
His back rolls!!!!
Tea time with Grammie!
This was going so well….
Brian did such a good job! Unfortunately, she threw up right after this!! And it was intense.
So we spent the rest of the afternoon resting with daddy and watching movies.
The sweetest cousins….
The rainy day that my family worked tirelessly to make sure the house looked great for James’ memorial service.
Even Micah did his part!
We are calling these our “we survived” portraits. These were take 4 weeks after losing James.
Oh this picture cracks me up! It looks like Micah gets no love but that is NOT the case!!!
Learning how to draw from Grammie!
Father’s day gifts!
Joe and Emy are moving out soon!!!Noooo!! We have loved having them live with us! I’m going to miss them!!! But their beautiful new home is right now the road from us!
Matching tshirts again!
Buddy’s 30th birthday weekend at the beach!
We stayed at Corey and Mooga’s cute new house!!!!
That FACE!
Celebrating baby Powers!
Whew! Maybe next time I won’t skip 4 months of sharing personal pictures!!! That was an incredibly long post!!
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