the reason this is a little LATE is because I got side tracked. ALL DAY. This happens quite often. I went downstairs to grab my purse to go to the bank and then out to get the flowers and then I saw my laundry….you should know that this laundry has been in the washing machine for over 24 hours. Gross. I had to re-wash it and after unloading the dryer and making the bed, I realized “Oh, I was supposed to go to the bank like and hour ago!!” That really sums up my whole day. I’m trying to stay on task and this the post up ASAP because there is SO much to be done before Friday! ah!
So, here is a little DIY post about centerpieces and it’s incorporating DOILIES! This is the “DIY Doilie Part 2”! If you missed PART 1, you can view it HERE! These are just simple ways to incorporate doilies into your wedding decor. They are CHEAP and photogenic! So really, it’s a win-win for the bride AND the photographer!
Ok here is a very simple setup: Hydrangeas, vintage glassware (that doesn’t match! oops!), and a patterned table cloth. It’s beautiful, simple and classic. HOWEVER: Warning to brides! If your wedding day is going to HOT… do NOT have hydrangeas sitting outdoors for an extended period of time. Trust me, it’s not pretty. I like to call them the “pretty but wimpy” flowers. They are GORGEOUS and I love them… but they don’t hold up well in the extreme heat!
The DOILIES add so much! They visually connect the three vases!
Ok so now, we’re stepping it up a notch. We added a book for height and a POP of color and then some white accent pieces. This centerpiece just went to a WHOLE different level!! Most brides get overwhelmed at the though of creating something like that. It’s a lot less overwhelming if you look at it in pieces and parts and not as a whole!
Ps. All of these florals are just from WHOLEFOODS!
The end! Hope this was a little WEDDING WEDNESDAY inspiration for ya!
When it comes to wedding photography, the right lens can make all the difference. But let’s be honest—gear can get expensive. So when Canon introduced the RF 85mm f/2.0—a lens with portrait, macro, and image stabilization capabilities for just $500—I knew I had to put it to the test.
Have you ever started a session, camera in hand, and suddenly felt stuck? Your couple is standing there, looking at you, waiting for direction… and your mind goes blank.
Have you ever tried to sit down with your spouse to talk about dreams, goals, and vision—only for it to turn into frustration or misalignment? If so, you’re not alone. Vision casting in marriage is hard because it brings up deeper fears, beliefs, and unspoken dynamics that many couples don’t even realize are at play.
Success—it’s a word we hear all the time. But what does it really mean? Is it about financial security? Status? Owning a dream home or taking extravagant vacations?
When you think about your business, do you see it as simply a job—or something more?
Today, I’m diving into an experience that was nothing like I anticipated: my digital detox in December. If you’ve ever considered taking a break from the noise of the online world, you might relate to my journey—the good, the surprising, and the, well, completely unplanned.