One diagram, one piece of encouragement and one conversation led to a multi-million dollar empire that has given literally my entire immediate family a life of freedom, purpose and flexibility. The work that followed that conversation was hard and challenging and sometimes seemed impossible, but it started with someone saying "can I show you what you aren't seeing about yourself and your business?"
We are so grateful that our life is filled with people in our circles that are far exceeding the growth in our business. When we spend time with these friends, our conversations are challenging, inspiring and they offer direction and insight into our life and our business in a powerful way. Now, I know that finding multi-millionaire friends to help you grow in your life and business isn't something that happens overnight. For some, it may never happen without seeking out that level of mentorship.
income per month
Growing a team of employees from
from six figures to multiple 7 figures all while cutting my work hours in half and having 5 babies in 6 years
Creating the workflows, team dynamics & financial systems that have given us the freedom
If one conversation on an airplane can transform the way I viewed what was possible in my business, imagine what a series of intentional conversations with like-minded, high-level business owners could do for you and your business?
"Education and knowledge is incredibly valuable, but if we've found anything in our journey to hold even more weight, it's one-on-one conversations with those who have gone before us and paved a path of legacy that we aspire to ourselves. Those are the exact moments we knew were needed for our next level of growth. From a 10 minute conversation with Katelyn and Michael, we had everything we needed to make some drastic life changes, and we've never looked back! After hearing about how they view education, we pulled our kids from school within days and realigned our business to allow us to homeschool them and continue running a profitable business! If you are needing a next-level breakthrough, these two are the people you need at your table!"
90 minutes each - check-ins / hotseat / feedback & brainstorming
This group runs from Aug- Jan
Katelyn will have set hours during the week to respond to personal voxer messages. This has to have boundaries due to her current season of life with tiny kids but mastermind members will have the ability to get direct feedback on projects and big ideas.
This exclusive community will have constant access to bounce ideas and questions off of one another via a private Slack channel. This channel will be an on-going place to get feedback on projects, sales pages, strategy and more.
Oct 23-26th, we'll be hosting an in-person intensive at our home in Richmond, Virginia. This will be an opportunity for this group to grow in community and have focused time to work on vision, solutions and implementation.
(2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 1:30pm EST)
"Having the insight of Katelyn and the other business owners inside the mastermind is invaluable. The mastermind experience helped to guide some of the biggest decisions in my business, refine my current offers and prepare for a launch that was a brand new concept to my audience. Getting to pick Katelyn's (genius) brain about high-level business topics was fascinating. Having custom-tailored, one-on-one feedback from a group of people in the same hustle as you is unlike any other style of education."
"The KJ Mastermind was an incredible experience for us! We’ve been a part of high level masterminds and group coaching programs before, and KJ’s was among the most impactful we’ve experienced. Not only did we get crystal clear clarity around specific next steps to take with our business (with our messaging, who we're speaking to, our offers, and nurture sequences), but we also received personal breakthroughs in other ways around our own identity, who we are called to be, and how to step into that in the most authentic way which has had major impacts not only in our business but also in our personal lives."
"Being around Katelyn and other business owners who think on a higher level gave me so many "ah-ha" moments that gave me countless new thought bubbles and concepts I could take and run with. Overall, I gained confidence that we can do so much more with Little Z's than I ever had thought! While inside the KJ Mastermind I developed two new guides to sell to my audience and generated $6,000 in additional income with them! Additionally I have been able to look at my current workload and make smarter decisions on what I need to do myself vs. what I can outsource to save myself from more burnout and fatigue."
[I walked away with] "A very clear funnel which produced the clearest monthly goals to create that funnel I have ever had in my life as an entrepreneur. This came about by being inspired by other businesses further down this road than I am showing me what was possible, seeing what I needed that I had no idea I needed (which happened through hot seats and the in person), inspiration to think bigger, voxers with Katelyn to help me get the pieces of clarity I needed to move forward."
What's fascinating is that the article chose to call this my "side hustle" and that couldn't be further from the truth. I have worked to grow this business for over 14 years! However, one thing that the article did accurately share was that I only work four hours a day. Honestly, sometimes I'm only able to work four hours a WEEK! That's the beauty of building a system that works for you even when you can't show up or don't want to show up!
You will need to be able to hear direct and honest feedback. You will have to fight the lure of the victim mentality. You will have to face challenges head on and be open to trying new things in order to grow.
Every single time I grow, I have to walk through a "letting go" process of different pieces of my business. It's painful and nerve wracking... but the results are worth it.
If you feel like you're in a season of slowing down, I invite you to consider whether or not you need to slow down or you need to scale. Scaling doesn't just mean increasing revenue, it also means changing the capacity that is require to operate and grow your business.
I felt DONE with the business over the past 5 years as I've had not one but FIVE pregnancies. Every time I felt done, it actually wasn't a sign that my business was over, it was a sign that I needed to scale a new part of it and let go.
We grew the team, I let go of tasks, we fixed hangups, we launched new strategies... and my workflow got lighter and lighter and lighter.... to the point where I'm able to do something today that I've been wanting to do for a very long time... and that is pour into YOU.
This is what truly fires me up.... this is where I feel most inspired... this is where I can see deep impact. I'm so excited to offer a space for high-level thinkers to unite, share wisdom, and to finally have a space where I can share what we have learned that has taken us from a 500K business to a multi-million dollar business.... all while being very engaged and intentional young parents to multiple kids.
Whatever season you're in, if you're reading this, it's because you know there is a next level waiting for you. I didn't get to where I am by myself. I have had people who are more experienced helping me find my way the entire time. I'm thrilled to be able to do that for YOU.
Once your problems have been identified, your vision plays a huge role in your solutions and your new steps. Your vision will lead us to your next steps and the priorities of what has to come first in order to get the right foundation for what you desire to grow!
Whether you're stuck on what's next or you're wondering what's wrong with what you're already doing, we have to work collaboratively to find the root cause of your problem areas. This is the most important part of the process of growth. You have to be honest... sometimes brutally honest to fully work through this step.
When it comes to guidance and advice on how to actually implement your new ideas, my sister (our business back-end genius) will be available to advise you on how to create the tech stack and systems you need to scale.
I have the freedom to make my own schedule and travel to places I always wanted to go and paint. In my first year of offering courses and tutorials I made close to $200,000. That year I paid more in taxes than I had ever MADE in a year!
The most valuable part of our conversation was how confident you seemed that I could make this work. You can tell when people are just being nice but you genuinely seemed interested and made me believe it was possible. I remember I brought up a concern that I might feel like an imposter trying to teach when I knew there are a lot of more experienced painters out there. You told me that doesn't matter and that I could use that to my advantage by being a bridge from master painters to people just starting out. As time went on that actually became the key element to my teaching that separates me from other painters. I explain things in a way that anyone can understand!"