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Home Organization

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going to think I’m so strange but I actually find joy in creating new systems for organizing our life. Some of you think we’re uber organized and we’re not… you just see the parts of our lives that are “put together”. Yes, I labeled the shelves in our pantry… but I have an attic room that looks like a bomb went off in it! We’re not perfect…. and we’ll never be perfect… but we CAN be organized to some degree! I haven’t completely mastered this area of organization yet but I’m getting closer to really having a system that works. I obviously love photography… which means that I love having pictures of my family and our life.

The hard part is that the pictures that I take for my family never get edited. They get uploaded but those raw files just sit there. So this past year I decided to get better at my managing my personal images.

Michael and I are in a season of life where we have the opportunity and freedom to travel. We realize life won’t always look like this and so we’re taking advantage of it while we can!! … And we want to REMEMBER our adventures!! So this past year I have made it a priority to make Blurb Books of our big adventures! Blurp is just an great option for printing your own hardback books! There are a lot of other options out there! I may try Artifact Uprising for a personal book down the road just for fun! We’ll see! The beauty of designing these books is that they capture our adventures and we’ll keep them forever! My goal at the end of my life is to have a massive library of our adventure books…. well maybe just a few bookshelves. A library was a little over the top. :)

So far, I’ve documented Bokeh’s first year, Our Honeymoon, Our RV Vacation, Our House Building Adventure and our Hawaiian Vacation. I love the 12×12 books because they are huge and their full spread pages are beautiful!!! I also love that they look awesome in our coffee table! We bought THIS coffee table from IKEA and we love it!! Everyone loves it and compliments it because it’s great for entertaining. When we’re hanging out in the living room for an extended period of time, someone always ends up pulling out a book or two!!

Every time a new book is printed, the more I want to make another one! I just feel so accomplished having images printed and saved this way!! Now, you have to understand that this type of stuff is FUN for me! I enjoyed designing these books! If you don’t enjoy designing albums, I can totally understand why you may be rolling your eyes right now. Here’s a thought, someone should start a business offering to design people’s vacation albums!!!! Seriously! SO many people would pay for that! Tangent. Anyway… enjoy this little peek into how we are starting to store personal photos! My goal from now on is to still make books for our big adventures but to also print a “Yearbook” of our life every year!! (We’ll see if I can actually make that happen!!!:) Happy Monday!

Thanks for reading!

— Katelyn

The Sledge & Hugo Family Legacy Family Portraits | Maymont Park

What’s better than doing a family session for one KJ couple? Photographing TWO and adding in Nonna and Grandpa!


Have you ever closed out of Lightroom unhappy with the end result?


5 Essential Lightroom Tips I can't edit without these!

5 Go To Ceremony Shots

5 Must Have Ceremony Shots You can’t miss these!

There are no do-overs, or second chances while photographing a wedding ceremony, so we want to make sure we capture it all!

R6 Flat Files

How to Fix Flat R6 Images We finally found a solution!

A year ago, we promised to find a solution for those who were complaining about their R6 raw files looking dull and lifeless in Lightroom. However, due to various circumstances, we couldn’t deliver on that promise until now.

The Katelyn James Podcast

Kelly is an incredible wedding photographer who has been shooting 90 weddings a year. I know, it sounds unbelievable, but it’s true! Kelly’s success and the volume of work she handles is truly impressive.

Kelly Sea & Katelyn James

Ep. 34 | How She is Booking 90+ Weddings a Year And staying sane while doing it!

The Katelyn James Podcast
Free Posing Class

Free Posing Class The KJ Way

Your sessions should be working FOR you not against you!



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10 Steps to Starting Your Photography Business
Helping a friend survive a season of Infant Loss
How to photograph a first look in Harsh Light
A Lake Como Destination Wedding - Greg and Kate
A Letter to the Go-Getters fearful of Motherhood

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The KJ Blog is where you get to know me, where you meet our KJ Couples and see their beautiful wedding days, where I have been building an archive of education for over a decade and where I let you see a peek into our life, our home, and hear about our purpose! 
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The way she teaches makes so much sense and I’m so grateful for her! My business will be forever changed!"

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 It has elevated my work so I could quit my day job and work from home with our baby boy!"

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